What is a Good Treadmill Walking Speed to Lose Weight?

What is a Good Treadmill Walking Speed to Lose Weight?

Treadmill walking can be an effective exercise for weight loss, but what’s the ideal speed? Let’s break down the pros and cons of different treadmill walking speeds to help you find the best pace for your weight loss goals.

Slower Speeds (2-3 mph) Pros:

  • Easier on the joints, making it more accessible for those new to exercise or with joint pain
  • Allows you to exercise for longer durations, burning more overall calories
  • Can be a good starting point to build up endurance before increasing speed


  • Burns fewer calories per minute compared to faster walking speeds
  • May not raise your heart rate enough to achieve fat-burning benefits

Moderate Speeds (3-4 mph) Pros:

  • Burns more calories per minute than slower speeds
  • Can still be maintained for relatively long durations
  • Helps raise your heart rate into the fat-burning zone


  • May be too fast for those new to exercise or with joint issues
  • Doesn’t burn as many calories per minute as faster paces

Brisk Speeds (4-5 mph) Pros:

  • Burns the most calories per minute of the treadmill walking speeds
  • Elevates your heart rate for more efficient fat burning
  • Can lead to greater overall calorie burn in a shorter amount of time


  • May be too intense for those new to exercise or with joint problems
  • Harder to sustain for long periods of time

According to the American Council on Exercise, the optimal treadmill walking speed for weight loss is generally between 3-4 mph. This allows you to raise your heart rate into the fat-burning zone while still being sustainable for 30-60 minutes of exercise [1].

Walk Your Way to Weight Loss on the Treadmill

Walk Your Way to Weight Loss on the Treadmill

Trying to lose weight? Walking on the treadmill can be a great exercise option. But what’s the ideal speed to walk at?

The sweet spot is usually between 3-4 mph. This moderate pace helps raise your heart rate into the fat-burning zone. Plus, it’s sustainable enough to keep you going for 30-60 minutes.

Of course, you may need to adjust based on your fitness level. Go slower if you’re new to exercise. Or pick up the pace if you’re looking for an extra calorie burn.

The Best Time of Day to Walk The best time of day to hit the treadmill? First thing in the morning is ideal. Your body is primed for fat-burning after an overnight fast.

The Importance of Diet for Weight Loss And don’t forget, your diet plays a huge role in weight loss too. Make sure you’re eating nutritious, calorie-controlled meals. This will supercharge the results from your treadmill workouts.

With the right approach, treadmill walking can be a game-changer for losing weight. Just find a pace you enjoy and stick with it. Your body (and the number on the scale) will thank you!

[1] American Council on Exercise. “What is the Optimal Treadmill Incline for Weight Loss?” https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/lifestyle/blog/6593/what-is-the-optimal-treadmill-incline-for-weight-loss